Sunday, March 16, 2025

Getting started

December 26, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

Thank you so very much, Mr. Hamilton, mentor of mine. I am rereading the three manuscripts and desperately in need of grounding, now that I have retired from a 40-year career of being a great value producer, but driven by my need to be a value creator and enrich the world with the unleashed gifts I have been given but not so readily clear to me what they are.

I look forward to receiving your help and guidance. I am caught between random access to my home computer a couple of days per week and for four of the others, I am care-taking my mom overnight. On the one hand, I have the time to do this; on the other, it drains me from some of the projects I need to fulfill: writing a book about my uncle, a jazz great; fulfilling the creative inventions I find myself thinking up but lacking the resources to fulfill the patenting requirement; and, becoming a millionaire through the company in which I am an Independent Representative. If you would like to see what I do, please visit my website: My fantasy is that you will allow me to have the downstream experience by becoming one of my business partners, but I would be thrilled if you would simply become one of my customers and let me save you time and money. How cool would that be to be able to stimulate secret members to have face-to-face interactions with a HD version that so surpasses Skype. Just reading the manuscripts has emboldened me to this step of learning how to ask.

In essence, you have been given a vibrant, though challenged sexagenarian who is looking for longevity to live a lot more years in her Friday-night Essence, as soon as I figure out how to bring these three passions together.

I sense I a m at the right place at the right time and look forward to how I can grown i to a real value creator and make a difference to mankind. That would be a form of longevity and immortality to me.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Getting started”
  1. Charlie says:


    Great Integration

    My name is Charlie and I am your mentor for Level 1. On Monday Nights we have our Business Alliance National Call at 9:00pm EST. The number is 949-333-4806 and the pin number is 256015#. If you have any other questions please contact me


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