Friday, December 27, 2024

Friday Night Essence and Starting a Congregation

October 7, 2022 by Wayne  
Filed under Integrations

I have enjoyed the packages, the readings are great. When I read about finding our Friday Night Essence I wondered what that would be for me, then as I sat down and really began to use integrated thinking, I found Iam already living my friday night essence…Teaching! I am a Luciferian Priest as well as being an initiated priest in Dark Buddhism. I also teach martial arts. This is all I have ever wanted to do, teach. Now I wish to add to that and teach others how to be an integrated thinker, a creator of value, so I wish to know what it would take for me to begin a congregation? I know in the wrap up they spoke that this would be one of the things they would discuss in meeting 3, but I would love to find out sooner then that. This is my destiny and I already have a small Temple for the teachings. Please advise me Steve. Thank you for your time on this issue.

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