Excited and confused
October 25, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Hi, thank you for in luring me in the meetings and sharing your wisdom! I am very excited to be a recipient of such innovative and wonderful knowledge! I do have a dilemma, though. I am working in a field that is completely removed from what I think my Friday night essence is. As I think bCk to what interested me in childhood, one thing comes to mind. I liked mysteries. Reading about them, solving them, and so on. I remembered wanting to grow up to be Sherlock. I know this sounds funny. But the truth is I still like to do that. I spend my free time researching subjects that are unknown or known little, trying to find answers that are logical and can be helpful to other people. I mean, not just unknown things in real world but on spiritual level too. I feel that I have the ability to create values through finding essential answers to life’s questions that can be blissfully beneficial to my fellow humans. I am not sure how this can be at all integrated into my current work. Please help me understand this.