Concentrated Effort
April 19, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Hello, I really have no question. I have always been a jack of all trades master of none. I could never narrow myself down to one subject in life, one Friday-Night Essence (and it seems I am still in that position). I have narrowed things down to an “area” and it seems to help though. I have enjoyed reading the Neothink Insights. I have related to the majority of information inside. Searching for spiritual enlightenment and reaching the end with no more to learn and in wonder of what I was to do with myself knowing I was meant for MORE. The books came at exactly the right time even if I had to struggle to afford them. I haven’t made a fortune, but feel much better about life knowing TRUE FREEDOM is on the way. And it is closer than i even realized (a businessman is thinking of running for the presidency as I write).Thank you so much! Shanti