Comments following Secret Meeting Level 01
August 12, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Hello! It’s great to finally be able to communicate with other Neo-Tech people! I first became aware of Neo-Tech ideas in 1994, when I puschased the original manuscript “Neo-Tech” from the original author, Dr. Frank R. Wallace. I have purchased numerous publications from Mark Hamilton, after Dr. Wallace’s passing. My progress towards implementing these ideas was interrupted for most of the time since then due to overwhelming medical problems–mostly orthopedic mobility issues, involving debilitating and truly mind-numbing pain. As well as a fatal heart attack on Jan 3, 2006. I actually flatlined on the table in the ER for more than a minute. Having been revived from death by modern technology, and well recovered, and having most of my mobility and pain issues resolved by several surgeries, I am now ready to start the next chapter of my life. Being a widowed 65-year old man,who has the spirit of the 25-yr old I once was, I am looking forward to it with gusto. I’m really looking forward to the next meeting! I’m a visual artist: I paint, draw, and sculpt. This is my Friday-night Essence. I’ve also been enjoying singing since I was a young boy, and in college I taught myself to play the guitar, and have played in bands off and on ever since. I am an excellent acoustic guitarist, and in bands I usually play bass and sing lead, cause I’m good. I eschewed religion a long time ago as delusion, and am pleased to find like-minded people. I’m really looking forward to meeting other Neo-Tech people in person. Currently, tho, I’m a bit hampered as far as communication, cause I’m still economically barely recovering from the devastation caused by my medical issues. I can’t at this time afford my own internet connection, so my access is catch-as-catch-can. In fact, right after viewing the first meeting today,I lost my connection and took an hour to get on again. My computer is a 2002 model with Windows XP 2002, so it’s quite slow and barely capable. Because at this time I can’t afford a newer one(I’m on a very low Social Security Disability income), it can be incredibly frustrating trying to do this. Please bear with me as I try to advance thru the meetings. It’s going to be difficult to afford the extra money monthly for the active neothink members website, but I’m going to find a way. It’s helped that my landlord last fall made me manager of my 12-unit apartment building. I get reduced rent, my utilities paid, and I make a bit of extra money for anything I do around here. So, in summation,I’m pursuing my Friday-Night Essence by working with a friend to create a new product, a new line of children’s toys. to be on the market hopefully in about a year. She conceived the idea and recruited me to design it all. I will be an equal partner in the profits, so my wealth will come in the not-too-distant future, rather than now. I’m really looking forward to connecting with other Neo-Think people to facilitate the goal of eliminating needless suffering and death, and help make life better for everyone. That’s all for now! Please feel free to reply to me if you wish. See ya at the next meeting!