Wednesday, March 12, 2025


September 10, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

At the moment, I am in a relationship with a 34 year old man, who in his years, continues to “manage” his life, not creating values for himself or society. As a younger woman, I feel as though he will not be able to provide for a family or build a successful career. He is not my hero. As I read through the visions, I am gathering pieces and and relate to most of the given information, all the while to thinking to myself that I can have better. I am going to continue to be a value creator, and am wondering if this relationship is a hindrance in my growth or, if it is a reflector, reflecting back to me what I am producing now, which truly, is not much, for I am still seeking my essence. He is very supportive of me and our relationship, and wants me to be who I am meant to be, he encourages it greatly. I must say, that he is handicapped in a way, he is blind, and is unable to do most things people can normally do with ease each day. Will new people continue to come into my life, as I grow and learn more, especially when I begin to really create in my work? Do I let go of things that I have attachments too, relationships even, in this repressed society and work to create new, better, things to have in my life? Or balance both? Do we do this together? I cannot change him, he has to be able to do that himself and create his own experiences, but I can share knowledge and my achievements with him. It’s hard for me to see him accomplishing great things, allowing me to give him support and great excitement for what he is doing. I am questioning why I am there.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Changes”
  1. Charlie says:


    I have to say that this is one of the most honest integration that I have read. No one can tell you, I am sure you already know this, if you should stay or go in your relationship. If you would like to discuss this more or if you have any questions about the society or would like to meet other members contact me at


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