Tuesday, March 25, 2025

integration Thinking

May 5, 2023 by Lee Jefferson  
Filed under Integrations

I am familiar with Integration thinking. I call integration thinking as thinking on your feet. once you see the problem you state and direct steps to take


April 28, 2023 by Lynn  
Filed under Integrations

I am 72 years old and have many health problems. But I have been reading and enjoying your material and would like to see your plan become real. At this point i don’t know what I can do to help because I am on a fixed income and have barely enough money to get buy. […]


April 20, 2023 by Charles  
Filed under Integrations

I have been working with business numbers for a very long time, and digesting those numbers in a way to improve the bottom line of my portion of the overall business. This is something that has long been natural for me, and I thoroughly enjoy doing it. The best part, for me, is showing those […]


April 20, 2023 by Peggy  
Filed under Integrations

so level 2 ..starting to see more stuff in numbers. everything has a value. good and bad to that. Very grateful for what I have learned thus far. thank you

First Meeting

April 20, 2023 by Dennis R Sandusky  
Filed under Integrations

I enjoyed your video about the neo-tech society clubs and all of the help that is on hand. I have a small Bisness that I drive car parts from different shops and car repair shops. I also do scrap metal runs for fun and excerize. The Friday-night essence is from my scrap metal runs? It’s […]

The importance of the Prime Law Amendment

March 31, 2023 by Mark Albini  
Filed under Integrations

Careful what you ask for. My thoughts: Prime Law, Prime Law, Prime Law. It is by far the most important foundational piece for the TVP in the future. By adding just one Amendment as a puzzle piece to the TVP picture our government goes from one of controlling power to one of public service. It […]

I am a customer service Associate

March 31, 2023 by Cassandra  
Filed under Integrations

I enjoy reading and writing and this is a great deal of reading. How will I ever start my own business?

Thoughts After Viewing Level One 1st Meeting

March 31, 2023 by Keith  
Filed under Integrations

At my age (93) it was good to be reminded that we need to find (or “rediscover”) our Friday Night Essences to enjoy our position in life and move forward in our final development. Also, while I don’t have the energy to organize a “local” Neo-Think group, I certainly would be interested in attending and […]


March 31, 2023 by MICHAEL  
Filed under Integrations

the things that i have been reading make a lot of sense, however i am 63 years old and don’t have time to waste staring a business. so i realized that my Friday night essence is trading futures on the stock market. i,m a newbie and it is kicking my butt right now because i,m […]

level 3

March 31, 2023 by David  
Filed under Integrations

I am not really sure what to say right now. I am doing my best to read and study all that has been given to me. For me understanding takes time, but things are coming together and are making sense. I will persevere and do my due diligence. Here is hoping for better days ahead.

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