Sunday, March 9, 2025

Active Neothink Membership

April 8, 2019 by Timothy  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Steve,
Nice to meet you! Neothink Meetings page said to access the Active Neothink Members page. But that page requires using a credit card to register. At the top it says “if you already registered through the mail DO NOT register again.”
What should I do?

Timothy Thompson
Endicott, Washington

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

4 Responses to “Active Neothink Membership”
  1. Carol Raper says:

    I had difficulty hearing (I’m hearing impaired). I accessed the meeting on my kindle and was unable to post a question. However I was relieved to read Mark’s question and answer regarding not having identified a Friday Night Essence. My job essence ideas when reading the three tomes were somewhat fantastical, expensive and certainly not something I always dreamed about doing. I did find the ideas fun to consider but have little to no experience in the field. I also had a question for Mark about a finding from one of his tracking reports about a sample mailing that resulted in two things: increase in neothink sales to women and new neothink product sales. By product does he mean books? What about Neothink “cheat sheets” for neophytes (short summation for mini business start up company for those people who have language,education barriers and time limitations along with a software program that is simple and flexible that could give these individuals a start on tracking and accounting?

  2. I really need to speak with a mentor, would u plz forward to a mentor

  3. Is there any subliminal training it is possible that it could possibly help The Twelve Visions Party in the near future I would be willing to be a test subject if you please! Thank you so much! I am very excited to get involved deeply into this! Thanks!

  4. Larry Hough says:

    Hello Mark, it is indeed a pleasure to actively correspond with you; your writings have changed my life. I have not been this excited about life in a long time. I remember when I use to have so many creative ideas about everyday things but mainly how I could make thing better for the people around me. I lost that joy and for a long time I didn’t know exactly what had happened to that burning desire to be more.
    After reading my first heirloom package I can say that I feel that way, that fire again. I want to learn all I can absorb from you and the other members. I no longer work due to a congenital heart problem. but I have discovered my FNE!
    I want to start a 21 century wealth-building business. I don’t expect it to happen overnight, but I know that it can happen with your help. How do I get started on the right course? I hope that you have time to answer my request. I am reading through my manuscripts to get a better understanding on my own but I will need your guidance. I would love to be able to teach it to others. I was a teacher by profession and I wish I had had this kind of information earlier in life.
    I am dividing my days into a mini-day/ power thinking format so that I can absorb as much Information as I can before I hopefully get to meet you. I am also waiting on my original secrets from Dr. Wallace, I can’t get away from this stuff. I feel like I have been given the keys to a whole new life.

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