A happy Holy and Prosperous New Year!
September 21, 2017 by Nicholas J. L.
Filed under Integrations
Neothink has been a great new start for me today! I’m very exited about it! There are great new things I will learn as a member that I can benefit from and pass on. I can’t put this down to get my work done! I will have to, soon, and come back to it before the next lesson! The concept of integration is important as well as enjoying my work, like my work is play. I agree! Its been like that! That’s me! I’m a self thinker already. I’m excited about improving my business, my relationships, my mentoring skills, productivity and so forth. Ever since I got my first manuscript, I was adding into my conversations about “creating value”. It works and I need to learn more! I’m a very ambitious person and always set high goals. My confidence (especially in meeting financial goals) was very poor, and I’ve accomplished fine work in many buildings, (but I’ve really made not much money at all on my own). My electrical designs are superior to others and better than required (but not very rewarding on the cash side). I put my heart and soul into it. I find myself giving away my work to some that are needy. My confidence in myself to make money is improving but I need Neothink to give it a boost! In order to make my vision work for my own business to be successful I have to apply Neothink not only to myself but to mentor everybody who works for me. I need to find better specialized and motivated labor. I’m also looking to apply neothink to my work at my full time job as a design professional (which a few limitations by the nature of my specialized work). I’m impressed with everything I have read and learned so far (I have no fully covered the books). I look forward to reaching my goals and dreams using Neothink as a tool.
To share my story: My major obstacle in my part time business is finding qualified help in the trades in this time of great moral decline. With the steel mills and other factories closing and being on the northeast corridor for the all modes of transportation, we get lots of transients here, and even a few homeless. There are lots of people with problems looking for work; drugs and alcohol are crippling our work force. The unions have taken all the qualified help off the market. They are cutting me from the top. Open shops like mine has little to offer employees due to affordability. Handymen laid off from their full time jobs working for cash are cutting me from the bottom and taking much of the residential work. These are problems that need to be solved as I build my puzzle. Focusing on my full time job is important, too, but it was never my primary goal. I can thrive there for now and seek to improve my accuracy and productivity and learn new things. I’m still far away from supporting myself with my business alone and need a Neothink plan! An influx of cash will help!
On another note I’m glad that you mentioned truth, Mark, because I come from a different frame of reference than most people. The Spirit of Truth itself is very important (we can leave that discussion for another time – maybe a short seminary lesson for now integrated with Neothink, I can bring to the table?). The truth with me is, my main purpose in life is to know God, Love him and Serve him. I serve him by serving others as well. I hope to leave a Legacy behind, as I pass on to my New Life when I leave this world, like the golf ball passes away into the PVC in your example! I would like to live to the age of 120. Maybe its possible with Neothink in our generation. I cant’ help to integrate this new dimension of Neothink with my life which revolves around my faith in God! I had not checked the Calendar this morning (but checked it now do do my evening prayers). It must be a Divine coincidence that I started the Neothink meetings today, and this week! We just celebrated the start of a new liturgical year, a week or so earlier followed by a day of fasting a week later. This represents to me a “get organized” time to me. Likewise our Jewish brethren are also celebrating a New Religious year (followed by a holy day of fasting a week later); while all over the world Orthodox Christians are basically doing the same (fasting and atonement) with the feast of the Exultation of the Cross which we just celebrated! I think Neothink can coexist with traditional religions and will harmonize with them. When you mention immortality and consciousness, I can only point that life itself is the consciousness that comes from our creator! Today we celebrate the new religious year. The spirit of Truth which is everywhere present and fills all living things, comes and dwells within us through prayer and fasting! In a few months we will celebrate God becoming Man so that man can become more like God! The God – Man! His passion clothed his mortality with the splendor of incorruption! Next spring we will be celebrating the Sacred Pascha! Jesus’ Ressurection! Its the only victory over death known to man and we celebrate it along with celebrating the birth of a new Eternal Life! There is no Greater joy in my life than celebrating that feast when Jesus himself conquered Death! The 40 days of Glory of the Paschal Season – The happiest season on earth for me. There is no more perfect example of the God Man than Jesus; one which we all can follow if we choose to! For now, Jesus is the only one God of our Fathers! We can only attempt to do as good! How can we even be equal to Jesus! You see I’m not like the rest of them!
With Neothnk we can all become Saints! (or the equivalent in other religions) In that way, yes, we can become like Jesus, sure! But we becoming God? Like God, maybe, I agree. As far as people of faith are concerned, though, give us a chance! We will grow to integrate our faith into this organization with unity and diversity of different faiths! It will add much value to the spiritual aspect. I know if can be done! (Yes there are lots of politics in institutions of faith, I agree – but the relationship with God is very important!). Let’s integrate for the maximum benefit of all! We should honor all faiths because they create value!