Intrigued but confused
December 29, 2016 by Winston M.
Filed under Integrations
Hello Mark, thank you for the opportunity to become a member of the Neothink Society. I have just completed my Level 1 training. I found the initial manuscript fascinating and read it cover to cover. I must admit though that I’m feeling a lot overwhelmed. I have yet to discover my Friday-night Essence. I am a retired registered nurse and have spent my life helping others. I would have it no other way. I feel as though I’m standing at the door of an amazing journey but don’t really know where to go from here. Confused, I am. The thought of being financially secure is very stimulating. I’m barely making ends meet meet at the present time. I guess I just need a lot of guidance and leading right now. I feel very insecure and hope that these feelings will pass, with time. I am really anticipating becoming a value creator and being able to help those less fortunate than myself. I want to introduce my daughter and her family to this New Think and get my grandchildren involved at their young age. Please help by directing my path.