Excited & Looking Foward to Health Value Production
February 27, 2016 by Jill S. B.
Filed under Integrations
Mark/Steve- I am really excited to the idea of extending useful life in view of the fact that our bodies currently wear our often before the spirit to live and create does. This has been a serious sadness for me since the time I was quite a young child. I had a grand father who I loved that w anted to “die young” so as not to experience disability. He did in fact experience some and then he avoided seeing the doctors until the end. I couldn’t stand to look at a cemetery so when passing one in the car I would turn my head. I reason if everyone would die and be buried the dead would take over the earth. My grandfather’s spirit of youthful capacity to do everything I always could exists in my -but with no will to have life over.
I love nature and have great interest in seeing and preserving the wild life species on our planet. But I wonder if all physical bodies that were born were still to remain how would we all continue to co-exist?