level 1 note
February 3, 2016 by Robert B.
Filed under Integrations
I am aged 69 and wish that I had found access to these materials many years ago. I am now force retired and am working to plan a newly conceived future. I plan to use the skills I have learned in the three heirloom manuscripts and the newly found essence meetings. I had been looking to find the Vision Climax as I can upon this level one meeting. I look forward to next months. Thanks
Well, hello, you know I’ve been reading for years. last December I had to let my membership go because my sisters health failed and I had to pay all the bills. So I stopped reading, what a big mistake, to take care of family. Now I’m back on board, no more procrastinating, it’s time to work. I’m not good with the computer and will get my profile set up soon after talking with my daughter. I’m willing to learn, not big on asking questions, but will put forth an effort to do so. Thanks inadvanced, Robin