Immortality AND The Prime Law
November 4, 2015 by Tom Burlingame
Filed under Integrations
Hello Mark
I have often wondered……..what may ultimately come of these highest values we share………The Prime Law and biological immortality. Add to these the idea of PLAY and the idea of reanimating our INNER CHILD. I have held these values for SO long (decades really) that I had come to a tendency to believe I was one of but perhaps a handful who cherished such values. Now…….with the NeoTech Society and other organizations……… all now seems so IMMINENT. I’ll say this much for sure, OUR APPETITES HAVE BEEN WHETTED, and there is now no turning back…….
Tom B.
Hello Steve!
Yes!! Biological immortality is one idea I am 100% fully full on in accord with!!…….along with the idea of PLAY!! Wow!! Just imagine…….how many exciting exhilarating businesses and whole industries can stem from this one drive alone…….
Tom Burlingame