wealth and happines
May 7, 2015 by Alicia Freund
Filed under Integrations
Hi sir MARK how I can discovered Wealth and Happiness if there is an obtacle block my way to success. In other hand ,how to descovered value creation and value production and play to it. as I read vision one about downstream focus to success,can you elavorate for me and upstream focus,how to do this.Thank you for guided me in my journey with you in this meeting as my mentor.I try my best as i can to absurved this meeting with you and other member in this secret society to change life forever. I just learning.
I already wrote to you — AFTER going through the first meeting
online. I would like to receive your “feedback” on it — since
I revealed a LOT about myself and my current “challenges”.
As for Mark Hamilton’s NEW 528-page manusript (report #: 100AH053015),
I really would like to get it, but right now I do NOT have the $149.95
in my account. Hopefully later, I will be able to pay, but the deadline date is June 5, 2015, so I can NOT make it in time.
Will you please give me an extension period? Please let me know.
My account #: M005213070
Dr. Aiko Hormann