Too Much? Too Late?
January 15, 2015 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I have read the Heirloom packages and received many “aha!” moments in each. Those moments when I realized the truth of what was being said. I just turned 69 and I’m retired from a profession that took a lot out of me physically and mentally. Nevertheless, I am not ready to sit in my rocking chair on my porch for the rest of my life. My Friday Night Essence is to spend whatever time I have left to make my three acre retirement Homestead as self sufficient as possible . . . for myself as one of the first immortals . . . OR for my heirs. Is that too much to expect from Neothink? Have I received these insights too late?
Dear Richard,
your views on pension time I like it.
I wish you luck as much as you can tolerate.
Best regards,