Life Threatening Urgent Message: Christopher Reaching Out for Mark Hamilton’s Help (My Mentor)
October 30, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
To be quite honest, I do not know how or where to begin the process of addressing this issue dealing with my life being threatened. I am in extreme need of your HELP, if possible, I will forever be extremely grateful and in your debt. I know I don’t deserve to be among such a great organization as this one. In fact, it is AMAZINGLY shocking to me that I was even considered. I have no college degree, poor financial status, and many character flaws that need to be improved upon. I know my life is falling apart because of the many bad decisions and poor choices I have made throughout my life. I do accept the responsibility of my actions and cannot make any excuses. I’m ONLY to blame. From those choices, I know there are consequences of every action. And in my life more negative than positive results. Without realizing it, I let my problems set me into deep depression and began alienating and isolating myself from family and friends, those who loved and cared about me. In my mind I did not want them to see me in that state so I hid away from them and the rest of society. I have always been there for others in situations of money and advice needed or whatever at a point when my life was in a good, prosperous and healthy state. Back then, I never smoked anything or developed some of the bad habits I have now thru my depression stage. I thought I could quit those habits and motivate myself back into a positive direction for my life again. What I did not realize UNTIL I joined this organization that I cannot make it ALONE!!! I was always afraid to ask for help in the past from others but your TEACHINGS have shown me otherwise. Don’t be SCARED to ASK for HELP if needed. It is because of this organization that I am now taking the steps to try to get everything in my life back on track and in focused with my goals and dreams of the past and more now to stay in touch and connected to my loved ones (family and friends). I have scheduled an appointment to seek additional help from a therapist to resolve and prevent any future depression state from occurring. The MAIN REASON I’M ASKING FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE AS MY MENTOR is I have not access this site until now because I was not completely focused as I should have been. Secondly, I wanted to try to complete the entire READINGS of all FIVE books that I have before interacting on this website. I did not realize with my work schedule that it would take longer than what I expected to complete all books. I know all other members on any level are more educated and highly successful individuals than myself. I did not get onto the website until now because I was AFRAID of my level of intelligence and intimidated by the academics of others that I would encounter. I have always been a SHY person and not really a good public speaker for that reason. I have still been continuing my READINGS even though Im just now starting the website meetings. I believe I was asked a question at the same time my life was being threaten…Do you believe in God?…I was in fear when I said Yes…I believe as your teachings say…GOD-MAN…that was the reason for my answer of yes at that time. I wanted to know if you could assist in getting permission to allow me to continue as a member of this organization because it is an honor and a privilege to be among the best of the value creators of the world. The Neothink Society has given me a reason to wake up to life and live it to the fullest potential. To die at the point when NeoThink has made me discover why life is worth living is an injustice in itself. Neothink and your mentorship, Mr. Hamilton are like the father that I never had guiding his child to success and my life to the pursuit of happiness. I want to send my sincere APOLOGY out to you Mr. Hamilton and all members of the organization for any misunderstandings or miscommunications on my behalf. In short, I know NeoThink is my home and is my destiny. Please respond if you can help me resolve this issue either by email or phone. You are a great author. Reading has never been more enjoyable to me after reading your publications. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.