FNE Discovery
August 30, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
When one discovers their FNE (Friday Night Essence) it is so exciting. I know I’m in my FNE mode when I’m playing at whatever appears in front of me. I’ve found that anything I’m doing I love to do and don’t look at it as a chore so to speak or something that’s put on the shelf till later. I’ve found that if I work on a project one step at a time and not put too much pressure on myself that whatever it is I’m doing be it physically, mentally or spiritually, is very enjoyable. Isn’t that the state of (BEING) we’re after? Finding Joy and playing in all that we do in this lifetime. I know I have integrated prosperity in my life when people come up to me and see and feel something different about me. One person commented in the past that I seem more (free)…guess my energy felt peaceful to him. Thank you Mark and all the members of the Society, I am forever grateful.