women childern and men
July 17, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Can I expound on a few things here.Integrated thinking women men and, children. I believe a lot of people use integrated thinking anyways.They use their thoughts, build puzzle pictures and, put them to use. I’m not sure they understand integrating their thoughts, building puzzle pictures knowing that missing pieces may reveal the future.I also I didn’t know the 2 ways women and, the 1 way men could achieve happiness as she can do this through a supportive role with her husband and by the rearing of he children he can do this through his value Creation Now, as not all schools can do a very good job at teaching and, raising children, Society sees too many children with broken homes and weak relations with their parents. This is very evident and pervasive around my living environment Of course I can see that Neothink can clean all of this up. Can we get it firmly and safely into the hands of the people who need it.