X-Ray Engineer
May 27, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mr. Hammilton,
Allow me a bit about myself:
My Primary Education up-to nine years young, believe me,it was like and remainds me Anabel’s.
Then untill my 16’s, my college Commercal/Industrial Education was like what you, very well, decided to call Integration. Well… in the 1940’s no one would know about it.
Neothink is the reverse of Oldthink, only hasn’t exactly the same meaning. Never-theless(subverted)subsists,but it has nothing (anymore)to do with Neothnk.
The Neothink ellimimates contemporary subserviense,hill authority,and vicious-thinking.
I close my eyes and see Integration(diferencial action takes to decision)
at Labor pratices, Health, Education…
Neo-control Cmmunications, Degradation, Corruption, Chance of possession and well being,Command,Power.
Neotech: Thinking (integrated Communication) to action. Integrated
action to decision. Integrated progress …Superior Technologies.