My Level 1 integration
February 3, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Mark, I am a 56year old and I am a full-time carer for my wife as she had a major stroke over 4 years ago (she is 73 years of age and the true love of my life) which gels with your insight into true happiness with the right partner. I am so thankful to you to have this opportunity to join The Neothink Society as I see it as the only group of people that want to get mankind into the thinking that we are all supposed to be Healthy,Wealthy and most of all IMMORTAL which is something I have been dreaming about for more years than I can remember. Being a full-time carer limits me to a great extent but I am more than willing to hear from yourself or other members of any ideas you may have as to how I can create values. As to the Level 1 induction I was very pleased to read about the other new senior members and their respective situations which, with Neothink can go on for many more years if not for ever!. I am looking forward to going through all the levels and understanding all the information that it is required to become a C of U IMMORTAL and hope we can all working together get over that final hurdle. Regards Peter.
Sorry to hear about your wife. Listen, if you have any questions or would like to meet other members, please contact me at