February 2, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Mark,I am a former fishing boat captain from Florida, I had a blast over the thirty years that I was in the fishing entertainment industry. As I got older I managed several marine supply stores with a fair amount of success. Do to our poor economy those positions ran out. But, I am still involved with my passion, the boating, marine industry, as a harbor master at a private marina, yacht club. I have a blast just playing at this job and all of the others I’ve had, but I have never been able to really attain financial security. I have had not the opportunity to finish all three heirloom packages. I have made it about half way through all three. I seek the knowledge and the success through this program. I want to know more and be financially secure, let’s go.
Capt. Joe
Capt. Joe
First thing go back and finish all three heirloom books, on page at a time. This is where all your questions will be found. If you have any other questions or would like to meet other members, please contact me at