Newbie, What an Awakening!
January 26, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I am one of the people who got caught in the layoff crunch, a year and a half. I went back to college to change careers. Had a young man speak in one of my classes, and I immediately knew that he was speaking about my next move. I followed my instincts and called him. Now I am working, on commission, how to move freight. Sad to say, I have not made any money the two months I’ve been with them. This is a tough and competitive position.I also received your books during this time, school and competing with men who seemed to be born in moving freight. I read when I can, if I can’t sleep, when I’m eating my dinner, etc. Your books excites me because they arrived during the events that are playing out in our world today. I always felt that there was more than was being told. Not only in politics, but essentially by most people who has authority. I look forward to completing my reading and joining you in these sessions. I have the determination to find my mini-day schedule in mastering the ins and outs of moving my first load. I will eventually join the website, probably next month. I have to spread my unemployment in a lot of different directions. Thank you for the opportunity of finding the “child” in me that I lost and being able to know/see the “what is”.
Hang in there, it will pay off. My name is Charlie, and I am your mentor for Level 1. If you would like to meet other people in your area, let me know and I can help.