Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Meeting One Assignments

January 24, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

I have finished my assignment and have integrated deeper with the material. I have been a Neo-Techer since 94. But, only now have I taken the steps to integrate deeper.

Mini-Day/Power-Thinking Team
Self-Leader System

I have always used a static form of the Mini-Day concept and have gain tremendously. Now, I have learned how to really apply it with power-thinking. I still don’t have a living job. But, I have a good job. I have created more mini-days for FNE. I will test them out to see how they work. I have been using the Power-Approach to fire off my Power-Thinking.


I have chosen to further my development as a software programmer. I am already integrated with the basic of programming, .net, asp.net, sql, etc. Mostly Microsoft Tools. I will be learning Android now for my test. So, when I power-think, I say “What is the Power-Approach for beginning Android Development.” Steps that come to my mind.
1. Purchase Android Development book.
2. Use Power-Concentration through each chapter, while developing my app as learning experience.
3. Figure out how to load app up on Android Market.
4. Figure out how I can profit from apps.

Now, I’m just doing this as play.

Then I go to my next Mini-day that I’m playing with. Say, even one of my static Mini-Day “Exercise”.

What is the Power-Approach for my Exercise Mini-Day?
Run 5 Miles.
Create Weight lifting program.
Create Flexibility Program.
I even see specific exercises I want to do.

I know the Mini-Days should be built differently, Money Making Movements. But, I’m just playing now to get to there.

Well, that’s off for now.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Meeting One Assignments”
  1. Charlie says:


    Great Integration!

    If you have any questions or would like to meet other members please contact me at fnecharlie@gmail.com


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