Everything Mark says about Neo-Think is absolutely true
November 13, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Hi Steve – It was a great meeting and I really enjoyed it. I’ve just finished reading all three Heirlooms and know that everything Mark says about Neo-Think is absolutely true. I’ve always known my Friday-Night essence and it’s the only thing that makes me truly happy. However, I’m a professional musician and my Friday-Night essence is and has always been music. My problem is I’m always struggling to make enough money to survive in the music business. I’m always plagued with distractions like having to do day jobs of whatever kind of work I can get to pay the bills and end up hating it. It takes me away from my true love, music, and I can’t concentrate on doing what I really love. Also, I’m not sure how to go about applying the mini-day system as explained in a business scenario in the Neo-Think manuscript to my world of music. How do I do that? I’m also looking forward to physically meeting other Society members and networking with them in a Clubhouse near me. When can I do that?