Finished Level 1
October 30, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I just finished my first level, I have to be honest, I am apprehensive, courious, excited in reading all of the information that books contain, and now with doing the meetings through computer. I am not all that computer savvy and my computer had a pop up screen that black out what Mark Hamilton was typing wanting me to use another video method, which didnt work. So I wasnt able to watch the video of the 3 men. I have done the mini day with my current job, but honestly it doesnt apply for that so much, as I am not moving up, I am as high as I am going to go, but I have applied it to a desire(which I dont know if it would be my friday night essance) but neverless I do “feel” that I enjoy doing it and I have other “options” to include in it. I have a hard time with the integrating concept with this, but I will see how this process will help in that. I do have an open mind to growth. On a personal note, do to Mark reading this, I do collect: raise trunk elephants, I have many of them. I am looking forward working with you Charlie.