Meeting Level 1
September 23, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
All my life I have hated being TOLD what to do. ASK me, and I’ll do anything for you. I have never voted for government, fat greedy cats that care for no-one but themselves. When my daughter had problems at school and couldn’t go, in fact was suicidal,I was threatened by school officials-government,my daughter was also threatened and told to her face she would be removed from her home and put into care. She was 7 years old. When I said I would remove her from school I was told it was illegal, I did my homework and found it wasn’t. I home taught her and had a happy child. If I had listened to the government I would probably have had a dead child. The reality of it was ‘figures’ that the government needed to boast of children in school.I’m so glad I followed my gut feeling and not what officials wanted. Now I’m so glad NEOTHINK has found me,I feel I will be able to go forward with better knowledge for a better life with my family. Everything I have read so far is what I have thought and felt all my life. Look forward to the rest of the lessons and the future. Thank you.