Monday, March 3, 2025

1st take on Neotink

March 26, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

I have never read a 700 to 1100 page book in my life. However, as I started to read, I became interested. Then, to my surprise, I couldn’t put it down. I just kept reading and reading and reading. I am not a fast reader in any sense of the word and usually have to reread pages over and over to get the full meaning. But, in this case, I looked down at the bottom of the page to see I had read 200 pages in one sitting. Unbelievable! So, to say Thank You for my heirloom packages, just doesn’t seem to be enough. But, I do Thank You. And I look forward to many more meetings and associations with members. I am trying to implement integrated thinking into my new job. It is taking me a little while to get into the swing of things as this job is far more advanced than anything I have done before. Soon I will begin marketing my company within a company and working hard for success. Most of this is due just to reading the 3 Heirloom packages. I have today began putting the first brochure together. Soon I will be up and running. Until nesxt time, Have a safe and happy day.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “1st take on Neotink”
  1. Loretta Wilson says:

    This is amazing! First off, I’d like to thank Mark Hamilton for choosing me to become a member of Neothink society. I feel like I’ve come so far, yet have regressed in a way.

    I want to share something that I hadn’t done so with anyone else. Five years ago, I silently suffered from a sudden illness and was nearly convinced I was going to die as a result of it. I did everything I could to receive relieve from the agonizing pain. Over the counter medicine and high doses of prescription medication couldn’t even offer temporary relief. In fact it made matters worse. So I did what most people probably would have done when faced with death. I reached out to God (If I was going to die I at least wanted to get to know Him before I crossed over). I prayed and met with believers on a constant basis. I studied the bible and Jesus like never before. Then I had a revelation. If (and I believe it is) the bible is true, it states that I was “created in the image and likeness of God” and can be healed from all sickness and diseases. Therefore, I began to believe just that, “I am healed!” All of a sudden, people, information, things began to come (attract) to me to support my healing process. I wasn’t quiet sure what was going on at the time. However, I believed I was healed, so I studied and acted upon all information drawn to me to support my vital health. Although I felt pain daily, in my mind I was already healed and I never gave up that belief. Over two years my health was gradually and completely restored. Throughout my healing process, I learned that I have a right, as God intended, to live an abundant life, forever Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy and certainly not suffer from any form of sickness or disease. (But glad I did)

    During that time, many things were hitting me like a whirlwind. A year later, (I must admit), I was invited into the secret society. When I read my first invitation letter, I immediately felt something spiritually. I can’t describe the feeling but there was definitely a connection. Things began to change in my life immediately. After I absorbed a secret from the booklet, I got the job I wanted and bought my dream home. It was amazing! I felt so powerful and energetic. Things were happening so fast. I think I got afraid and didn’t join the society, because I began to think it was some sort of cult. I threw out the letter and booklet and forgot about it.

    Several years went by, and I began to get bored and stagnant. I knew I was meant for greatness, but something was missing from my life. I was healthy, but not in a relationship, unhappy, and certainly not wealthy. I struggled with knowing or coming to learn my purpose in life. I kept hearing in my head “Heal the Nations”

    A year later in 2009, I once again began to search for my purpose. Although, I continued to work in the world of technology that has an unlimited potential for advancement, it’s not the Medical field where I know I belong. I had no idea or resources as to how to make that transition or better yet perhaps marry the two. To my dismay, I received another invitation into the society. I believed a person whom I respected and trusted was a member. Surely he couldn’t be a member of a cult? I was broke, unhappy, and not living the life I know I was suppose to live and here are wise, happy, healthy, and wealthy individuals willing to share life altering information with me again. I immediately accepted the offer!
    When I received and read the First Heirloom package, I realized that this information was a God-send and I didn’t even know it at first. I studied it and the Second Heirloom package and began to implement the techniques Although, I haven’t completed them yet, I have absorbed a lot of information. I was informed that I will receive my third Heirloom package within the next week. I can’t wait to read it. – When read the ultimate mission of Neo-Tech Society, I knew I am with the right group of people. I wholeheartedly believe- in and support the eradication of aging and death. However, I presently struggle with a few things.

    In my pursuit to wealth and happiness, I am currently torn between succeeding in creating value at my place of work (with a company that fully supports integrated thinking and creating value), building a business (what I always wanted to do), maintaining the home, spending quality time with my children family and friends, and finding my soul mate. I kept hearing “Heal the Nations” over the years and feel that I am called in the area of health, but not sure where to start. I have a lot on my plate and often times I feel like I can’t do it all, which seems to set me back. I desire the following:

    – Financial freedom (no debt)
    – Make more money on my job
    – Start my own business to build the wealth that I truly want
    – Spend quality time with my younger 11 y/o daughter
    – Set an example and teach my children importance values of life
    – Have loving supportive friendships
    – Have a loving, romantic relationship with the man of my dreams and
    – Give more to charity

    Mr. Hamilton – I know it’s possible to have it all, but it’s hard to do much of anything when struggling financially. I want financial freedom. However, I’ve come to realize that I can’t give every area in my life 100% at the same time. I have a lot going on and have a hard time giving each area of life an adequate amount of time. I start out fine, but lose focus when I have to put out fires (so to speak). I feel life would be easier if I had help, because it is difficult doing it all, especially as a single parent! Right now I do feel like I’m in a mundane rut just maintaining areas of life and not creating values like I’m suppose to be. I have three questions:

    How does one choose what area of life to focus on or create value? (Spiritual, personal development, work, business, family, relationships, ect)
    What do you do when you’re focused on one area and one of the others go array and needs more of your attention?
    How can I get involved in the eradication of aging and death?

    (my apologies for the long note) I will be brief in the future. It just hit me – I realize I am not happy, because I’m not doing what I love to do or passionate about (hmmm). I need to get busy pursuing happiness- Creating Value!

    To Health, Wealth and Happiness –
    Loretta Wilson

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